Welcome to the Retro Express. This is where we’re taking a stroll down memory lane at wrestling history. This post is part of an ongoing series where we’re reviewing every episode of WCW Nitro from start to finish. Links to the previous posts are at the bottom of this post. We hope you enjoy.

This pay-per-view was an improvement on the last “WCW” pay-per-view that we reviewed in the nWo Souled Out show. That’s not saying much, given how disastrous that show was, but it does make this show seem fantastic by comparison. Although I don’t rate it nearly as well as other pay-per-views in 1996, there were a number of good matches that you could sink your teeth into. It just lacked truly quality matches in the same vain of Starrcade for example. There was no Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko for example that blew me away. We had a few good matches, some bad ones but nothing remarkable or disastrous. As the kids these days would say, this was a pretty “mid” wrestling pay-per-view but a decent wrestling show nevertheless.

Date: February 23rd, 1997

Brand: WCW

City: San Francisco, California

Attendance: ‎13,324

Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

Rowdy Roddy Piper was shown being released from Alcatraz. As shown on the Nitro before this pay-per-view, he’d been there for seven days and seven nights. He breathed heavily, walking out of his cell like a zombie as he growled. A guard went up to him and Piper responded saying that he knew his way. Piper jogged down the steps and roared as he made his way out of Alcatraz. Piper said: “it was time to pay the Piper”. He called Hogan an endangered species before getting onto a boat. He grabbed a pole of the boat and was on his way to the Cow Palace.

This was Piper being as nuts as you’d think as he came very close to just pole dancing and grinding on the pole of this boat.

Dean Malenko © vs Syxx for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

They showed what Syxx had done in the past couple of months in WCW, stealing the United States Championship from Eddie Guerrero and now Dean Malenko’s Cruiserweight Championship. That all led to this match for Dean’s title that was currently in the possession of Syxx!

Dean started beating up Syxx as the bell rang. Dean hit a big dropkick to a huge pop and laid in forearms to Syxx in the corner. Dean hit a Brainbuster for a two count but pulled Syxx up before three. He did this a few times as Dean mentioned previously that he wanted to teach Syxx a lesson and Syxx took a shot at his deceased father on the previous episode of Nitro. Dean even used closed fists as Dean wanted to punish Syxx.

Syxx slapped Dean which led to an absolutely smooth and fabulous Powerslam spot. Dean kicked away at Syxx in the corner. Dean positioned Syxx in the tree of woe position and Dean followed this up with a dropkick to the knee of Syxx.

Dean went for the Cloverleaf submission but Syxx booted him away and was selling his knee for about a minute or so. Dean did a crossbody to Syxx that sent them both crashing over the top rope. Dean regained possession of his title as he was beating up Syxx on the outside.

In a cool spot, Syxx tried a spin kick which Dean ducked, and then followed up by dropping Syxx with a hard clothesline. Syxx then forgot to sell his knee as he unloaded with multiple kicks in the corner. Syxx then hit the Bronco Buster which I don’t think I’ve actually seen him do yet as part of this WCW series! This may have been the first time he did the move that would become synonymous with Syxx and the rest of his career.

Syxx locked on a sleeper hold which Dean got out of with a suplex. Syxx did a double axe handle guillotine on Dean, as Dean’s head was draped under the ropes. Syxx hit a suplex and followed this up with a top rope leg drop for a two count. Syxx went back to the sleeper hold. Dean eventually locked on his own hold before both men crashed into each other head first.

Syxx was crotched ion the top rope and this lead to Dean going for the back suplex from the top rope, which Syxx countered. Syxx grabbed the Cruiserweight belt but Eddie Guerrero came out to do a tug of war with Syxx. Dean grabbed Syxx which led to a triple threat tug of war. Syxx however yanked the title away and hit Dean with it, while the referee was looking at Eddie. Syxx got the pin to win the Cruiserweight Championship.

Match Rating: ***1/4. It felt like an inevitably that Syxx would eventually win a championship. Syxx had been pushed as a single star while in the flock of the New World Order. This was his second singles feud and he was always with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, so he may as well win the championship if he’s been pushed so much. It’s more championships for the New World Order and frustrating to see Dean Malenko drop the title about a month or so after winning it. It’s becoming bothersome to see this title become hot-shotted, especially given the quality of some of the matches. We reviewed the match from last month where Dean won the title from Ultimo Dragon, which may have been one of the greatest cruiserweight matches in WCW history. A month later and they’ve already put the title on somebody else.

The match was fine but nowhere near in the realm of other cruiserweight title matches in the previous year.

NOTES: Ever since the WCW Cruiserweight Championship was introduced and won by Shinjiro Otani in March 1996, the championship had already changed hands five times prior to this match. With Syxx’s victory, this became the 6th title change and therefore the seventh Cruiserweight title reign in less than a year. Syxx was responsible for the 6th title change… how ironic.

Mean Gene Okerlund was backstage plugging the WCW Hotline before interviewing Diamond Dallas Page. Big Bubba was out of action so DDP had a mystery opponent to wrestle from the nWo. DDP listed all the members of the nWo including Hogan, Syxx, the Outsiders who were all wrestling on SuperBrasl. After about a minute or so teasing who it could be, Okerlund just revealed it to be Buff Bagwell. That’s all that happened in this segment.

Konan, La Parka and Villano IV vs. Juventud Guerrera, Super Calo and Ciclope

If I had to pick a match from this show to recommend that you should go back to watch, this one would certainly be my pick. This match was not an all-time great match or even a technically sound wrestling match. This was an absolute crazy, train-wreck of a trios match that was a joy to watch! Sometimes, you don’t need all the spots to be perfect, and not all of them were here, but there was a lot of fun spots to appreciate in this trios match!

Ciclope and Villano wrestled for a bit, trading arm drags before getting into a shoving match. Konan and Juventud got tagged in with Juventud taking a massive bump for a Konan clothesline. Juventud did a headscissors takeover and followed this up with a front dropkick. Konan pulled off a wheelbarrow German suplex before destroying the rest of the opposing team! This included a Powerbomb towards Ciclope.

There were big bumps taken by everyone here. Calo did his dangerous looking springboard plancha again as he had done on Nitro against Rey Mysterio Jr. He tried a springboard dropkick but landed on his stomach on the outside. It did not look pretty.

Parka did a chair-assisted suicide dive onto Calo on the outside. Villano and Ciclope were the slowest moving competitors of the match and not as co-ordinated in the match as the rest of the wrestlers. As I wrote that last sentence, Ciclope then did a springboard crossbody to the outside which he completely missed! As Bobby Heenan put it: “he missed the runway on that one”!

Juventud did a 450 splash in which he may have hit the head of Villano. La Parka got tagged and did a corkscrew splash onto Juventud. Juventud did a smooth springboard hurricanrana on Parka and into the ring. Konan and Villiano did a doomsday device to Juventud.

Then we got an incredible spot. Konan and Villano did a double team submission om Juventud where they’d grab the legs, roll over and apply a double team leg submission. Calo and Ciclope broke this up by applying the same hold and rolling over Konan and Villano! It turned from a two-on-one advantage for Konan and Villano into a two-on-three DISADVANTAGE! As three men were all locked in a submission at the same time, Parka attempted a pin fall on one of the men applying the hold!

I don’t watch a lot of Mexican wrestling promotions or lucha libre promotions like AAA or CMLL. However, in 20 years of watching wrestling, I’ve never seen a spot like this! Even after watching Rey Mysterio in WWE and WCW, after watching the Lucha Bros in AEW and everything in Lucha Underground, I’d never seen a spot like this at it was excellent!

Konan pressed Juventud to the outside. Then Konan and Villano did a spot where they grabbed the legs of Ciclope and Calo. They sat down, stretched the legs to which Mike Tenay called this “The Star”! This was followed up by La Parka hitting Juventud with an electric chair drop. Parka applied a surfboard submission and rolled into the middle of The Star as all the submission moves were applied simultaneously! The fans were going nuts for this.

As all six men were in the ring wrestling and I was thinking about how blatant it was that they weren’t tagging in and out, Bobby Heenan said: “I’ll give you a thousand dollars if you can tell me who the legal guy in the ring is”!

Team Juventud all did dropkicks together and then they all did suicide dives together. They all were crashing down to the floor and onto the other team. Juventud missed everyone and just hit the guard rail! It was such a wild chaotic six man tag, and I loved it.

Juventud tried a roll up on Konan. Konan hit a huge Crucifix Powerbomb. Juventud kicked out at two and Tenay proclaimed that he kicked out but the referee rang the bell anyway! Team Konan got the win.

This match was such a clutter of crazy spots where some were executed superbly and some were executed horribly. It was a giant mess and I loved it.

Match Rating: ***3/4

They were showing fans screaming and one fan had a “Hi Grandpa” sign in the midst of this wrestling show. That was sweet.

Prince Iaukea © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. for the WCW World Television Championship

For those that did not read my review of the go-home episode of Nitro, you may be confused as to how Prince Iaukea is the WCW World Television Champion! All my reviews are at the bottom of this page but I’ll briefly sum it up here! Lord Steven Regal was the champion after beating Lex Luger. He started a gimmick where he would defend the title on Nitro but every time he defended the title, he would retain the title by time limit draw. This was supposed to lead to a championship match between him and Rey Mysterio Jr. where the time limit would be lifted. Instead, he defended the title against Iaukea on Nitro where he was pinned in three minutes and lost the title.

Therefore, the match changed from Regal vs Mysterio Jr. to Prince Iaukea vs Rey Mysterio Jr. I think I would have preferred the original match but that’s how we got here. Six months ago, Lex Luger was the Television Champion and now it was Prince Iaukea!

After all of that, The Prince had zero reaction coming out!

Rey and Iaukea wrestled on the ground for a bit. Rey Mysterio somehow knocked down The Prince with a shoulder tackle. I’ve been watching Rey Mysterio wrestle since 2003 and I’ve never seen him knock anyone down with a shoulder tackle!

Prince did a dive to the outside and gained the heat of the match. This included a Gorilla Press into a backbreaker. The Prince was dropkicked in mid-air by Mysterio. Iaukea tried a Powerbomb but was hurricanranna’d to the outside.

Rey did a rolling Senton to The Prince on the floor, which could not have been great for the Prince as Rey landed on his stomach. Rey did multiple springboard moonsaults throughout this match. Iaukea did a Samoan Drop from the top rope as Regal made his way down to the ring.

Rey and Iaukea struggled with a top rope hurricanrana spot. Then Regal pulled Rey from the apron and onto the floor. This somehow was enough as Regal rolled him back into the ring and Iaukea got the pin.

The Prince, for some reason, gave the title to Rey after the match, as he was not happy about the finish. However, Rey gave it back and didn’t accept it.

To me, there wasn’t much to this match. This was clearly not Rey Mysterio at his best. The Prince was OK although there were a few times where they were not on the same page. It didn’t do it for me and the finish was extremely weak. Regal pulling Rey from the apron did more damage than anything Iaukea did.

I get Iaukea felt he was not worthy of being the champion with that finish but Rey was the one beaten by this apron spot. No one really looked good coming out of this other than Lord Steven Regal, who didn’t even hit a move. He just pulled Rey from the apron.

Match Rating: **1/2

Mean Gene Okerlund interviewed The Giant. The Giant had one arm that was ridiculously oiled up compared to the rest of his body! The Giant talked about how bad the Outsiders drive (in reference to the Outsiders running the Steiner Brothers off the road on the last episode of Nitro) and their psyche. He said the Outsiders wanted The Giant to be insane but he insisted he wasn’t erratic. He said he was gonna play the game how he wanted to play it. He said he was the conductor and the Outsiders were going to be playing the instruments. This was… a promo. Not a strong promo from The Giant in my opinion.

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Buff Bagwell

Bagwell spit at Page to which DDP slapped him in response. DDP and Bagwell worked on each other’s arms to kick off the match. They wrestled for a bit until DDP hit a sweet looking swinging neckbreaker which got a huge pop.

Bagwell mocked DDP and then started to stomp him out in the ring. Bagwell hit a tornado DDT which looked like a tornado Diamond Cutter, since DDP tried to fight out of it.

DDP tried a small package for a two count. He followed this up with a school boy roll up. Bagwell kept arguing with the referee that his early pinfall attempt was a three count. He did this once, he did twice and then did it a third time, which is a crucial rule when it comes to comedy! Always do things in three! Eventually, on the third attempt, referee Scott Dickinson had enough. Bagwell pushed him and Dickinson pushed him back to a big pop from the crowd. He cornered Bagwell as Bagwell pleaded for mercy. This was great and the fans were into this too!

DDP hit a big lariat after Bagwell had caught a kick from him. The fans started chanting for DDP. DDP dropped Bagwell with the Atomic Drop and then unloaded with a combination of punches. DDP hit a spinning sit-out Powerbomb for a two count.

Bagwell tried a pin using the ropes but DDP kicked out of it. DDP tried a school boy roll up which got a two count. DDP tried a Diamond Cutter which Bagwell countered into a backslide pin attempt. Bagwell hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Bagwell wanted the referee to count DDP out for a ten count. Bagwell posed as DDP struggled his way back up. Bagwell inexplicably broke up the count on the outside. Bagwell tried a neckbreaker but this was turned around into a Diamond Cutter by DDP.

The nWo then ran out to chase DDP out of the ring, with the match being thrown out. For the second PPV in a row, DDP wrestled a member of the nWo and the match got thrown out.

Match Rating: **3/4 – This was actually a decent match before the match got thrown out. There was a lot of moves, the fans were into the match and the finish was well executed before the nWo ran out. Why DDP couldn’t beat Buff Bagwell, I have no idea. He was one of their biggest babyfaces at the time. Just let him win a match on pay-per-view clean.

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Chris Jericho for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

The graphics showed this as being a match for the WCW World Television Championship in a production error. They wrestled for control, with Jericho gaining the advantage with a wrist lock. Eddie countered this and worked on the leg of Jericho for a bit.

The commentators did a fantastic job in hyping up the new blood and this new generation of Jericho and Eddie, making you believe that you were watching the genesis of greatness for both men. In both of these cases, they both would achieve greatness in the 21st century so the announcers were spot on.

Jericho and Eddie battled for the test of strength which Jericho won and turned into a suplex. Jericho did a stalling suplex and both men traded arm drags. Jericho locked on a high-angle Boston Crab. This was not exactly the “Walls of Jericho” and Jericho wasn’t putting all of his weight down but it was a Boston Crab nevertheless.

Jericho applied a chin lock, slowing the match down. Jericho had a Torture Rack of some kind locked in and then dropped Eddie with some sort of Torture Rack Backbreaker.

Jericho missed a top rope crossbody which give Eddie a chance to get back into the match. Eddie hit a Powerbomb for a two count. Eddie dropped Jericho with the Brainbuster and called for the Frog Splash. Jericho evaded the Frog Splash attempt and then unleashed a huge release German Suplex. Eddie got some height and distance on this suplex as well.

Jericho followed this up with a belly to belly suplex. Jericho dropkicked Eddie to the floor and followed this up with a top rope splash to the outside. Eddie tried a backslide for a two count. Eddie and Jericho both tried spin wheel kicks at the same time. There was an awesome spot when Jericho went for a suplex but, in a smooth tranisiton, this turned into a victory roll pin fall attempt by Eddie.

Jericho hit a super kick and it occurred to me at this point of the match just how many superkicks I’ve seen Jericho pull off during these WCW reviews. Jericho was throwing around superkicks in 1997 and now, in 2023, works for a wrestling companies where two of their EVPs throw around super kick parties all the time!

Eddie tried a tornado DDT but Jericho stopped it and turned it into a Northern Lights Suplex. Eddie eventually rolled Jericho up and got the pin.

I thought this was a fine match. There were some great spots here but it was just missing the heel vs. face dynamic and Jericho wasn’t a strong enough “heel” in the match at this point in his career. This was missing the drama for it to really be elevated into something greater but it was still a fine match.

Match Rating: ***1/4

Faces of Fear vs. Harlem Heat vs. Public Enemy in a three corners tag team match

It was announced that this match was no longer a number one contendership match for the WCW tag team titles, because of the Steiners getting involved in the car accident that was shown on Nitro. It was also shown that Rocco Rock shaved this head.

I love how Tony Schiavone said we should all know the rules of the triangle match. Dusty responded by asking: “well what if they don’t?” as not everyone would know what the rules of a triangle match were. I sure as hell know how inconsistent this concept is in wrestling. WWE, AEW, WCW, TNA and other promotions all have their own interpretations on the rules!

NOTE: For those interested, the rules for this particular triangle match were that two men would be in the ring and could tag out to anyone on the apron. First pin fall or submission won the match. I don’t think it could have ended in a disqualification!… maybe a count out. I dunno, it’s WCW.

Barbarian hit a Powerslam on Rocco Rock. Stevie Ray worked on Rocco in the ring. Grunge got tagged in and battled both members of Harlem Heat. Booker punched Grunge in the gut and Grunge took a fabulous bump where he was somehow elevated and took a big back bump!

It’s weird seeing Public Enemy in just a regular tag match where they weren’t just having fights around the ring like most of their Nitro matches! Booker worked on Grunge for a long time.

Meng tagged himself in and worked on Booker in the ring. Faces of Fear clobbered Booker in the corner which caused Dusty Rhodes to mark out. Barbarian hit a belly to belly Suplex from the top rope as the commentators argued about sumo wrestling. Barbarian turned Booker inside out with a lariat.

Meng hit a Piledriver. The Faces of Fear hit a double headbutt on Booker. For the second time tonight, Bobby Heenan lost track of who the legal man was in the match! Faces of Fear hit the backdrop powerbomb spot again which they pulled off fine. Everybody just started fighting in the ring.

Rocco tried a top rope Rolling Senton which Barbarian caught for a powerbomb. Grunge charged into both men to break it up and Public Enemy somehow got the pin.

I have no idea when Public Enemy got the tag as I was sure Barbarian and Booker T were the legal men but I guess the referee was fine with it.

This was a very clunky match. This involved mostly Harlem Heat and Faces of Fear just slowly getting heat which was a bit tedious but, to their credit, everybody was fine in pulling off their respective spots. Even Public Enemy were fine in this match. I’ll say this was an OK match.

Match Rating: **

Steve “Mongo” McMichael w/Debra vs. Jeff Jarrett. If Jarrett won, he would become a member of the Four Horsemen

This match started with Jeff getting the better of Mongo, which upset the former football player. This then led to a spot where Mongo charged at Jeff in the corner and smacked his face into the top turnbuckle. I laughed at how cartoony is looked!

Mongo hit a Powerslam as Mongo appeared to be the crowd favourite for this match. Mongo did two chop blocks on Jeff. Debra distracted her own husband as Jeff took advantage of this.

Jeff locked on an Abdominal Stretch and as Jeff grabbed the ropes, Debra smacked the ropes to “make it a fair fight” according to the commentators. Mongo hit a Gorilla Press and then clotheslined Jeff to the floor.

Debra tried to wipe down Jeff with a towel, which Mongo stopped and then started choking Jeff with the towel. Jeff hit a face buster and regained control of the match

Jeff and Mongo somehow botched a clothesline. Jeff hit it and then Mongo walked forward and fell to his back, screaming. I have no idea what Mongo thought the spot was supposed to be but Jeff just looked down at him, frustrated.

Jeff locked on a sleeper hold and Mongo reversed this into one of his own. Jeff cancelled this out with a back suplex. Debra turned around to the camera and said that she didn’t know which one to help. All the announcers screamed “help your husband!” in unison!

Mongo hit a shaky looking side walk slam, where Mongo didn’t have a lot of grip on Jeff at first. Mongo hit somewhat of a belly to back suplex. Jeff hit a top rope crossbody. Jeff was then thrown into the referee, who got hit for the ref bump.

The finish saw Mongo demand Debra give him his briefcase. Mongo grabbed Debra by her sash out of frustration with his wife. As this happened, Debra threw the briefcase into the ring. Jeff grabbed it and hit Mongo in the head as Jeff got the pin. Debra then winked at the camera following the finish.

This Four Horsemen dynamic during the Nitro years has been astounding to watch since I started this series, and nothing exemplified this more than this finish. Jeff Jarrett was apparently a babyface, who the fans hated and Mongo did not trust. We had Mongo who was the husband being whipped by his wife, who had a crush on Jarrett. Then we had Debra, who was married to Mongo and had a crush on Jeff.

In this finish, Mongo grabbed his woman and became frustrated. It came off as Mongo being the abusive husband, even though Debra was the one that was screwing over Mongo each and every week. In this scenario, Mongo was just frustrated with this wife but they shot it to tease that maybe he grabbed her by the hair. I even had to rewind it to check whether he grabbed her sash or her hair.

She threw the briefcase to Jeff and Jeff cheated, using the briefcase, to win the match. They screwed him over and somehow it feels that all three people involved her were heels. How are you supposed to root for anyone in this storyline? Mongo had been yelling at his wife each week and forcefully grabbed her during the finish. Debra was screwing over HER OWN HUSBAND each week and Jeff was taking advantage of this.

I’m well aware that this storyline will continue but can we have at least one person in this storyline, who comes off as likeable?

Match Rating: *1/2. I didn’t think this was good at all. This was not a great night for Mongo. Jeff wasn’t particularly good either but he was in there with Mongo and it felt like he was holding back because he was having to work with Mongo. I was not a fan of this match at all.

Chris Benoit w/Woman vs. Taskmaster w/Miss Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart in a San Francisco Death Match. Jacqueline and Woman would be strapped together

We had a chaotic trios match earlier on in the night and this was another chaotic match, where it pretty much resembled nothing else that was on the show. The trios match was just a crazy wrestling match. This was a crazy fight involving four different people and the fans just ate it up.

This was a rare instance where Woman was not shown in a dress. She was in street clothes and she was looking absolutely fabulous on this evening. Woman and Jacqueline yelled at each other before everybody started fighting as the bell rang. The fans erupted with glee at the sight of this!

The girls whipped each other as Taskmaster worked on Benoit in the ring. Woman continued to “spank” Jacqueline with the whip as Tony put it. Taskmaster hit a Butterfly Suplex. The girls were back in the ring as Woman continued the whip beat-down on Jacqueline.

Taskmaster got in the middle of it but Woman ended up crotching him with the strap. Benoit tried to save Woman from Jacqueline but he got whipped too. The girls were unstrapped as Taskmaster choked Benoit with the strap. Jacqueline kicked Benoit in the balls and Woman responded by kicking Taskmaster in the balls. Dusty screamed: “SHE KICKED HIM IN THE THING”!

The commentators were actually great during this match because they were all super invested into everything that was going on. Dusty Rhodes was just screaming his head off as all of this action was going on and it does help to have the announcers shown to be excited watching the product!

The girls started whooping the arses of the men. The girls unintentionally worked together to clothesline the men with the belt. They started whipping each other again. Benoit and Taskmaster stopped to watch it briefly and then proceeded to throw punches at each other!

Taskmaster and Benoit fought up the ramp as the girls were still in the ring. The referee was nowhere near the men by the way. The match was Benoit vs. Taskmaster and the refereee was focused on the girls in the ring!

Woman started choking Jacqueline as the men fought to the back. The men were fighting in a parking lot. Taskmaster scoop slammed Benoit into a small vehicle. Both men attacked each other with the lightest looking trash can they could find! Jacqueline was shown choking Woman with a strap. Less said about that, the better.

The men battled back into the arena. Taskmaster did the Tree of Woe knee smash. Taskmaster hit the double foot stomp but the pin was broken up by Woman with the strap.

Benoit came back up and hit Taskmaster with a Piledriver. Jacqueline then started raining punches down on Jacqueline. Benoit grabbed a table as Jacqueline started choking Woman with the strap.

Benoit placed Taskmaster on the table. Jacqueline came in to protect her man by lying on top of him. This did not stop Benoit, who dived and smashed into both Taskmaster and Jacqueline as the table did not break. The fans roared with approval following this spot as Benoit covered Taskmaster underneath the table for the pin.

Benoit, Jacqueline and Taskmaster were all down as Woman and Jimmy Hart attended to them. This was a segment were it was difficult to determine if anyone actually got hurt. Arn Anderson showed up on the ramp but then promptly left. The referees came out along with Paul Orndorff, Lee Marshall and others. Terry Taylor came out with EMTs. Woman and Jimmy were actually holding hands during this, I guess selling the idea that this was such an awful situation that they “broke character”? I don’t know. I couldn’t find answers online as to whether these were shoot injuries or not.

They actually had stretchers for all three wounded people. They all were loaded into ambulances. Jacqueline and Taskmaster were loaded into the same ambulance and Jacqueline did not look secure in the slightest when she was positioned onto the ambulance! Woman went with Benoit but Jimmy Hart for some reason did not go with Taskmaster and Jacqueline. This was were the illusion somewhat broke for me as, if this was legitimate, I find it hard to believe that the wrestlers would have been loaded like this as we saw here!

This was an absolutely wild match. Everyone involved played their part superbly. Other than the finish, the brawling and the battles went absolutely fine. It was played up as a death match and a crazy fight and that’s exactly what it was. Woman and Miss Jacqueline added to the usual dynamic between Sullivan and Benoit in these matches. I thought it was a great match.

Match Rating: ***1/2

The Outsiders © w/Syxx vs. The Giant for the WCW Tag Team Championship (If The Giant won, Lex Luger would be his tag team partner)

Going into this match, we did not know if Lex Luger would be teaming with The Giant or not against the Outsiders for the WCW Tag Team Championship. Lex Luger tried to get clearance after the Outsiders attacked him with pipes. However, Bischoff would not approve it but Luger insisted that he would still show up at SuperBrawl. The match was promoted as The Giant vs The Outsiders for the titles. If The Giant won, he and Luger would be champions.

Nash and Hall did rock, paper, scissors to determine who would start off the match. Scott Hall won. Hall threw the tooth pick at Giant as Hall tried to rattle and make The Giant mad. Hall tried to do a hammerlock and Giant hit one elbow to rock Hall and stop him. Hall started throwing punches and chops in the corner to which Giant responded by chopping Hall.

Giant scoop slammed Hall and sent him across the ring. There was a lot of stalling early on in the match. Hall spit at Giant which got Giant a little red. It was here where Hall tagged in Kevin Nash. Nash hit a lariat in the corner but Giant followed this up with one of his own. Giant dropkicked Nash over the top rope as he ran wild on the Outsiders for a bit.

Giant picked up Nash and drilled him into the ring post. Giant hit a big elbow drop. Syxx jumped off the top rope and hit Giant with the belt which knocked Giant loopy. Hall hit a top rope bulldog as the Outsiders got the heat on The Giant.

Nash kneed Giant in the corner which Hall followed up with a clothesline in the corner. Hall would get cheap shots in, including a Guillotine leg drop. Syxx did a jumping high kick which missed Giant by a full mile which even the announcers called out.

Giant made his own comeback on the Outsiders where Syxx tried to get involved again. Giant caught him and threw him into Nash. Hall grabbed Syxx’s title and hit Giant. Then Kevin Nash somehow hit the Jacknife Powerbomb on The Giant which looked amazingly clean. The Giant was a huge dude to hit with a powerbomb but Nash somehow pulled it off, which was insane to see.

It was here when Lex Luger showed up. Eric Bischoff tried to stop him but Luger threw Bischoff down. Luger got on the apron. Luger got the tag and ran wild on Hall, Nash and Syxx. Luger locked on the torture rack on Kevin Nash as the referee excitedly rang for the bell as The Giant and Lex Luger apparently won the tag titles. Giant followed this up with a chokeslam on Hall.

I’d be STUNNED if this result stood. Even Tony alluded to this as he brought up what happened at Souled Out, where the Steiners were stripped of the titles the next night.

The finish was great and, to be fair, the psychology of the match was excellent. However, The Giant wasn’t particularly great here other than taking the Jacknife Powerbomb. The match featured a lot of stalling and was very slow paced until The Giant made his own comeback. The fans went nuts for Luger and to their credit, the fans were super into the finish.

I guess the biggest caveat is whether the finish will actually stand or not. I guess we’ll have to find out on our next WCW Nitro review 😉

Match Rating: **1/2

Hollywood Hogan © w/Ted DiBiase and Vincent vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

There’s not much to say about this match. It’s Rowdy Roddy Piper with a replacement hip in 1996 against Hollywood Hogan. All they could do was punches and brawling, which wasn’t particularly great here with these two aging wrestling superstars.

I think Hogan called Piper a “chickenshit” after he picked up and spit at Piper’s kilt. Bobby Heenan claimed Piper never slept in Alcatraz. How he’d be awake and alive at this point is astounding to me! Surely your body would shut down if you didn’t get any sleep after going nearly 200 hours without sleep!

Hogan walked out as Piper ran out and attacked him. Piper punched away and gauged the eyes of Hogan. Piper low blowed Hogan right in front of the referee. That was somehow not a disqualification.

Piper choked Hogan with his shirt and bit Hogan. Again, not a disqualification. Hogan crawled up the ramp as Piper continued to choke him out. Bobby Heenan growling “crawl you coward” was a nice touch.

Piper used a chair. Again, not a disqualification. Hogan low blowed Piper but Piper no-sold it and proceeded to gauge Hogan’s eyes! I guess no sleep and Alcatraz made Piper invulnerable to punches to the balls!

Piper attacked Wallstreet and Vincent as they both came up on the apron to help.

It was all Piper beating up Hogan. Hogan pleaded for mercy but Piper continued to beat him up. For a moment, Piper pulled at Hogan and we saw Hogan’s bare white arse which was completely different pigmentation to his tanned body!

Sting and “Macho Man” Randy Savage came out and made their way down the ramp. They actually showed up during the go-home segment of the Nitro before this. On that episode, Randy Savage stopped Sting from confronting the New World Order and getting involved. This time, Sting stopped Savage but Savage ignored him. Savage came down to ringside to watch the rest of the match.

Piper and Hogan started throwing punches as the fans chanted, “We Want Sting”. After this chant, Sting left as Hogan and Piper continued to fight!

Hogan continued to rake the back and get the heat on Piper for a while. Hogan drove Piper back first into the ring post. Hogan worked on the leg of Piper. Piper and Hogan were on their knees throwing punches as both men were gassed. Hogan locked on the bearhug as Savage watched on.

Hogan missed an elbow drop. Hogan low blowed Piper. However Piper was able to lock Hogan in the sleeper hold. Savage watched on as Hogan was locked in the hold.

Piper wore him down. The referee raised Hogan’s hand once, twice and then thrice as Piper had seemingly won the WCW World title as the fans started to cheer. However, as Piper celebrated, Savage pulled Hogan’s feet towards the rope. The referee noticed this and waived off the finish. As the referee was distracted, Savage put brass knuckles in Hogan’s hands. The match restarted and Hogan punched out Piper and retained the WCW World title.

Savage attacked Piper too, spray-painted Piper and continued to beat up Piper with Hogan. They hit Leg Drops and Elbow Drops as the show ended.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage… had joined the New World Order…

Match Rating: 1/2*

It’d been pretty common knowledge to me as a wrestling fan that Randy Savage would join the New World Order. This was spoiled to me a LONG TIME ago although I wasn’t really sure how it was done. Having watched Savage with Sting in the past month and their sudden interest in the title match on the Nitro before this, I was very underwhelmed with this turn.

For starters, Savage and Hogan were mortal enemies three months ago. Eric Bischoff had blacklisted Savage from WCW in storyline so he sided with Sting in an anti-hero role of some sort. He came out there at the end to screw Piper, which undercut the story of Piper hating Hogan SO MUCH that he went to Alcatraz with the purpose of turning into a fighting machine. In fact, this feud started at Halloween Havoc 1996 RIGHT AFTER Hogan wrestled Savage in the main event!

Maybe there’s a promo coming from Savage which would explain this turn other than him having no other choice but to join them. However, I don’t know how you could go from mortal enemies to friends in the space of a few months. I realise there’s a whole bunch of wrestling stories where that has happened but this was the biggest storyline WCW had. This turn seemed like such a huge let down.

I get why Savage is in the group, with The Giant leaving and the group needing another huge singles star. After Hogan and Bischoff, the next big singles star the nWo had was probably Syxx. Therefore, I get Savage joining but the execution was not great to me.

I guess we’ll see where this goes but this was a flat-ending to a fine wrestling show. The chaotic trios match and death match really saved this pay-per-view. This was not exactly a SUPER brawl.

….OK I’ll leave now.

WCW Nitro Reading Order


Welcome to the Retro Express. This is where we’re taking a stroll down memory lane at wrestling history. This post is part of an ongoing series where we’re reviewing every episode of WCW Nitro from start to finish. Links to the previous posts are at the bottom of this post. We hope you enjoy.

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We’re very close to Halloween Havoc, with the New World Order leader Hollywood Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against “Macho Man” Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth is once again in the middle of another Hogan vs Savage storyline in wrestling, with Elizabeth putting together a video apology last week for the Macho Man for singing with the nWo. This heartfelt apology rocked Savage who left the building distraught and possibly throwing him off his game ahead of his big title match against Hogan.


This episode I’m about to review I felt was a decent go-home show for WCW Halloween Havoc 1996. Good matches up and down the card. There weren’t many things done to build towards that pay-per-view and even the closing segment with Savage and Hogan was off to me. Keep in mind, that closing segment ended with Savage suggesting that he was going to kill Hollywood Hogan at the PPV! I’ll talk more about the Elizabeth stuff later but this seems like a complicated way to get Savage in a position of wanting to kill Hogan at the PPV, with Elizabeth being in business with Hogan. It felt anti-climatic despite the stakes being raised.


Date: October 21st 1996

Brand: WCW

City: Mankato, Minnesota

Rating: 3.2

Commentators (First Hour): Tony Schiavonie and Larry Zbyszko

Commentators (Second Hour): Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay


Bobby Eaton vs Chris Jericho

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I thought this was a solid opening match. WCW have really stepped it up in the last few weeks with the opening matches for WCW Monday Nitro. It was Malenko vs Brad Armstrong last week and it was Jericho vs Bobby Eaton this week. I think in Bischoff’s mind at this time, it’s very clear that the second hour was the more important hour for him. The big angles were done on the second half of the show involving Hogan and Savage for example. However, putting a solid opening match to kick off Nitro was a great way to get the fans hyped up for the rest of the show and appealed to traditional wrestling fans. They tuned into Nitro wanting good wrestling and they got some!

They announced Savage vs Chris Benoit for later on in the show and Sting was set to appear on this episode of Nitro. It was somewhat ambiguous at this point as to which Sting was actually going to turn up for Nitro – the real Sting or the nWo Sting.

I guess Eaton was no longer with the Blue Bloods with Larry claiming he was “thrown out” of the Blue Bloods. They didn’t even show us what happened but I’m guessing based off Regal winning the TV title and Taylor and Eaton brawling a few weeks ago, they cut the man loose from the group.

Syxx and nWo Sting were amongst the crowd with a nWo banner in the background, Syxx was filming the show… for god knows what reason. The commentators explained Syxx was “scouting” Jericho ahead of their match at Halloween Havoc but I’m fairly certain that the New World Order will have owned televisions and would have the money to watch them for the sake of scouting.

Jericho used the speed to gain the advantage over the bigger Bobby Eaton. Jericho locked on a surfboard stretch submission. Eaton did a powerslam where I think Jericho tried bouncing INTO the rope and then bounced off the and stumbled as they did the spot.

Jericho wrestled down Eaton with a hammerlock. Jericho did the springboard dropkick. Eaton turned things around and worked on Jericho with an arm lock of his own. Eaton and Jericho knocked each other down to the floor with a punch at the same time which looked quite comical. They brawled on the floor with Jericho trying a back elbow but smashing his elbow into the ring post. Jericho backdropped Eaton on the floor.

Eaton hit a swinging neckbreaker and tried a move from the top to which Jericho cut him off but then the Canadian got knocked right back down again to the mat. Eaton did a top rope knee drop “on the shoulder” of Jericho but Jericho kicked out. Jericho did a side kick “enziguiri “ of some kind. Jericho did a top rope dropkick and frantically rushed over to score the pinfall for the win.

I love how Jericho had to go up to referee Nick Patrick just to check with him if it was a three count, given Patrick’s recent history with his refereeing. I thought this was a fine opener.

Eaton actually raised Jericho’s hand after the match showing signs of a babyface turn.


Tony Schiavonie interviewed Jericho after the match. Jericho said it was only six days before Halloween Havoc and said Syxx would be coming out of the PPV with a loss. He said he will come out with a victory and we’ll see who the better man is. A lot of yelling from Jericho. Far be it from me to critique the promo capabilities of Chris Jericho but I was not enthralled by the generic good-guy promos from Jericho at this point.


We got a Rey Mysterio Jr. video package. Some of the video effects used were seizure-inducing. Black and white effects really hurt my brain as they were showing all of these cool moves from the WCW Cruiserweight Champion Mysterio but the visual effects brought down the video package quality.


Dean Malenko vs Jimmy Graffiti

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Another great Nitro match featuring “The Man Of 1000 Holds” Dean Malenko as he wrestled Jimmy Grafiti. Jimmy Graffiti was dressed as Johnny Grunge, with a head like The Sandman but kinda worked like Super Calo. He and Malenko put on some great stuff together on this Nitro. It’s said that any TV opportunity is an opportunity and Graffiti worked his ass off for this one and that has to be respected.

Very good chain-wrestling to start off the match and after a while, Jimmy hit a decent looking float-over DDT. Graffiti hit a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Grafitti hit a side-kick. Some very crisp looking moves hit by Graffiti during this match.

Malenko hit an uppercut but Graffiti fell through the ropes and almost landed right on his head on the floor. I watched that spot a few times and Graffiti was very luck to walk away from that spot seemingly un-phased.

Dean did a chin-lock. The nWo Sting was shown with the video-tape and Larry called him “Stink”. Dean slammed Graffiti with a back suplex. Grafitti tried a bridge pinfall attempt but Dean kicked out. Dean hit a side kick for another 2 count. Dean hit a delayed suplex. Grafitti tried a Magistral roll up but got a 2 count.

Malenko crashed over the top rope with Graffiti following a crossbody and Graffiti landed head first into the apron. It looked nasty. I mentioned he got lucky following out of the ring earlier but here, his head smashed into the apron with a big thud when coming down. It also wasn’t like it was the top of his head, the side of his head smashed the apron. That was ugly.

Graiffit tried a dropkick off the top rope but Malenko reversed into a Texas Cloverleaf for the submission victory. Sloppy in parts but a another fine match to follow up the Jericho/Eaton match.

The irony of the “Power Pin of the Week” was the fact that it featured Dean locking on a Texas Cloverleaf for the submission victory! What a POWER PIN!


Diamond Dallas Page vs Sgt. Craig Pittman w/Teddy Long

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Nick Patrick, of course, was the referee and still wearing his neck brace. He refereed the opening match too. This was the continuation of the Nick Patrick vs Teddy Long storyline with one of Teddy’s clients in the ring with DDP who had previously put his hands on Teddy on Nitro.

DDP spat at Teddy before the match started. Teddy summoned Pittman towards him on the apron and then DDP jumped Pittman to start the match. Bad strategy from Team Pittman where Teddy allowed Pittman to have this back turned to a cheating scoundrel like DDP!

DDP caught a kick and hit a Discuss Clothesline. DDP did the elbow drop to the gut but Pittman sold it as if DDP hit him in the balls, therefore calling Patrick’s refereeing into question yet again.

DDP hit a Styles Clash-like facebuster. Pittman kicked out but DDP got thrown into the referee who sold his back. Pittman locked on the code red armbar but referee Patrick was distracted with Teddy Long. Pittman yelled that DDP had given up but Patrick didn’t see it. DDP then hit a Diamond Cutter for the win. Teddy and Patrick yelled at each other even more, Pittman got mad at Teddy Long and this storyline needs to go away.

I mean seriously, where is this storyline going? Other than Nick Patrick working for the New World Order, this Nick Patrick storyline just keeps going and going and it is really starting to jump the shark. WCW are just throwing Patrick in there for every match where the wrestler is managed by Teddy Long. You have DDP and Craig Pittman trying to work a match but they are the backdrop and extras to the Nick Patrick/Teddy Long feud. Once again, the referees and managers are more important than the wrestlers in the ring. That I hate about wrestle. It’s not even like Teddy or Patrick are adding any further to the storyline. They’re just bickering back and forth with no end in sight.


Tony interviewed Nick Patrick. Patrick claimed he did not hear DDP give up in the previous match. He blamed Teddy for being the reason that he did not hear him as all he saw was DDP getting to the ropes. To be fair to Patrick, how many times does Teddy Long get up on the apron to chew out the referee when really he should be there to help his clients? Teddy Long distracting the referee which cost Pittman the match so of course, Pittman chewed out Teddy after the match as well and got frustrated with him.

Patrick insisted that he was not the nWo referee claiming he was in twice the better shape than that referee. Patrick warned Tony about what happened the last time an announcer came at him with accusations in reference to “Mean Gene” Okerlund. I was wondering where Mean Gene went because he seemed to disappear from the face of the earth but it turns out his WCW contract expired at this time. In case anyone was wondering what happened to hi.


They recapped the nWo attacking Ric Flair two weeks ago and the recap of Jarrett’s promo last week which it also said took place “two weeks ago” so that was an error. Those two events did not happen on the same episode.


Jeff Jarrett vs Ron Studd


They explain that Ric Flair had a MRI on his shoulder so he’s out of action for now. Ron Studd was on jobbing-giant duty tonight as he faced Jeff Jarrett, who would be fighting The Giant at Halloween Havoc in Ric Flair’s place. This was the continuation of Ron Studd’s role of being the giant to lose to a babyface ahead of a match against The Giant.

It’s sad because any wrestling promoter would kill to have a guy as tall as Studd in their ranks. You know how Vince treats giants and a giant ninja has just debuted recently with Akira Tozawa on RAW in 2020. They did try with Studd as the Yeti but now he’s back to being a random lower-midcard guy as a set-up guy for future matches with The Giant. First Chris Benoit, then Randy Savage and now Jeff Jarrett. It would be difficult to push him as a giant with The Giant and Kevin Nash already in the company for the nWo so Studd is just in this position. To be fair, at least Studd has a purpose in WCW unlike the 100s of other wrestlers signed to the company that are just signed for the hell of it. At least he has that going for him.

Ric Flair made his way down to the ring in a suit which he explained were his street clothes…which I totally believe! He’s Ric Flair! He’s always stylin’ and profilin’! Ric commanded Jeff Jarrett to do his strut to mostly boos but some cheers. Then Ric Flair showed him how to do it. He took off his jacket, slicked his hair and did his own strut as the fans went nuts. Fans booed Jarrett and chanted “Nature Boy” with Ric then going into full Ric Flair mode with his stylin’ and profilin’. It’s an awkward position for Jarrett to be in because they were trying to get him over but when Ric Flair came out and ain’t nobody gonna get cheered more than Ric Flair. Therefore, when Jarrett is doing the struts and he was trying to be Flair, the fans turned on him. Why have a cheap imitation when they had the real Ric Flair?

Flair and Jarrett. shook hands as he left Jarrett to it. Jarrett beat up Studd in the corner. Studd tried a suplex but Jarrett grabbed the rope to block it and then Jarrett did a suplex of his own to Studd as the fans actually popped for. Jarrett did a Figure Four Leg Lock on the big man and got the submission victory. It sucked to be Studd but at least this was effective in showing to the viewers that Jarrett could chop down and beat a large man in preparation for a match with another large man.


Tony interviewed Jarrett. Jeff said it’s time for him to put up or shut up. He said it’s time for everyone whose ever watched Ric Flair and who respects Flair to be the hunters instead of the hunted. Jarrett said there’s a big bullseye on Giant’s leg and he’s putting on the Figure Four. He said: “You’ve chokeslammed them all but you haven’t chokeslammed Jeff Jarrett.”

Flair interrupted and said he sat home last week and saw a man talk good about Flair. Flair said the nWo outsmarted outflanked and played the game dirtier than the Four Horsemen at War Games. Flair said he would be in Jeff Jarrett’s corner. He said the day he get back in with Jarrett and The Four Horsemen, he will kick the nWo’s ass.


Lex Luger vs Roadblock


THE DEBUT OF ROADBLOCK. It’s almost like a balancing act with how wrestlers are signed with WCW at this point. For every new cruiserweight like Jimmy Graffiti or some great worker like that, they have to sign a big stiff for the big boys of World Championship Wrestling. Roadblock looked massive! He was as wide as a roadblock, he had a road block sign on his shoulders and had an ugly expression on his face. That’s not to say that he’s ugly but the way he gritted his teeth and snarled I enjoyed!

I love how Roadblock ran the ropes first and foremost! He was in the ring with Lex Luger. He ran up and charged at Luger to start the match with his hands in the air to start off the match! It was such a funny run as he charged at the Total Package.

Luger clotheslined him out of the ring. Luger did a scoop slam. Arn was cutting an inset promo about how “those impressive things “he was doing in the ring wouldn’t help him against Arn at Halloween Havoc and at the time of the promo being played, Luger was doing barely anything “impressive” in the ring!

Roadblock did a clothesline. There was an awkward spot where Luger took an Irish whip into the corner and then just turned around! He didn’t even try to do it naturally. He went back first into the turnbuckle and then span around like a Bayblade and then sold the move!

I loved this finish. I don’t think this finish was planned out this way but ended up being perfect with getting Luger over. Luger tried a Torture Rack but Roadblock, because of his size, slipped off of Luger’s shoulders. Luger tried again but Roadblock slipped off again. It was looking like a disaster but Luger started amping up the crowd! He rallied himself up and the fans as he was determined to get this big man up for the Rack. He throws his hands up. He tried the Torture Rack more time and he pullED it off to a big pop and Roadblock submitTED! Then just drops Roadblock down to the mat when he was done!

Whether this was a botched finish or not, this worked out perfectly for Luger. The storyline going on last week was Luger was selling his back because of a chair attack from Arn the week before. Therefore, they put him in the ring with this big guy and Roadblock kept slipping off his back because he was so big and Luger couldn’t keep him up. It played into that. After two attempts, the fans got fired up as they wanted Luger to get this man up for good and he delivered with a great pay-off. This was unintentionally one of my favourite matches of the night!


“The American Males” Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs vs “Harlem Heat” Booker T and Stevie Ray w/Col Robert Parker and Sister Sherri in a non-title match

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There’s not really much I can say about this match other than the finish. This was your typical American Males match with them working very fast and this was your typical Harlem Heat match with shenanigans. Nothing more, nothing less.

Bagwell hip tossed Booker clean over the top rope as Bobby Heenan correctly pointed out should have been a disqualification. Tenay tried to explain this away as he talked about the momentum and Bobby cut him off and said: “Mike, Don’t think.”

Bagwell turned Booker inside out with a clothesline. As Booker hit a powerbomb, the Outsiders come out also to videotape Booker and Ray. Booker got cut off the top rope with a dropkick. Riggs got the hot tag and ran wild on the Harlem Heat.

Now to the finish, American Males were running wild in the ring but referee NICK PATRICK stopped Bagwell and took him to one side. Riggs punches Col. Robert Parker off the apron. Booker laid out Riggs as his back was turned. Booker went for the cover and Bagwell froze for 2 seconds as the referee counts to two, then he jumps in at the last minute to break it up but supposedly that was a three count and Harlem Heat won the match.

Over-booked tripe for a Harlem Heat match once again. It was honestly like Bagwell was frozen in a block of ice and then thawed out as Patrick got to “two” on his count. Bagwell had all the time in the world to break it up but because Patrick had to be distracted for Harlem Heat to do their spot, Patrick had to turn around and then do the count before Bagwell broke it up. This was a disaster and a miserable finish. I cannot wait for Harlem Heat to lose those titles. I’ve had garbage finishes in title matches for more than a year now with this team and now I want something different with this tag team division. THUMBS DOWN FOR THIS FINISH.


“The Fantastics” Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rodgers vs “The Faces of Fear” The Barbarian and Meng w/Jimmy Hart

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This was a great way to get Faces of Fear over for their match with Chris Benoit and Steve “Mongo” McMichael at Halloween Havoc. Take a random tag team in the Fantastics and have these two monsters destroy them for five minutes. AEW does this well in 2020 but I love the idea of establishing a dominant force by having them destroy enhancement talent. They don’t need to beat one of your other star tag teams. This was the problem with Nitro doing Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear last week. Nobody could be booked to lose without losing momentum so they had the Outsiders interrupt the match and caused the match to be thrown. This would have been a better option.

Hire a few guys on the cheap and have them sell for the big stars and get them over. It’s good for the stars you wanna get over, it’s good for the enhancement talent because they have the “rub” of being in the ring with a star and it’s a better financial move to make in the long run. Maybe enhancement talent isn’t the word to describe the Fantastics but they were compared to the Faces of Fear in WCW’s eyes at the time.

My favourite spot of this match was when The Faces of Fear did a back drop from Meng into a powerbomb from The Barbarian in an awesome spot in one motion. The Faces of Fear don’t strike me as “spot” guys if that makes sense. All I’ve seen is big power moves from these two monsters as they destroy people left and right. Then suddenly they do this complex spot and they pull it off! I was blown away by them.

I love whenever Barbarian does a backbreaker to someone. It’s not just a motion where they go up and go down. Barbarian lifts him high in the air and slams him right down on his knee. The Barbarian was quite great in the ring.

The monsters destroy the Fantastics with Meng delivering a piledriver. There was double diving headbutt from Faces of Fear on the floor and then they got one of the babyfaces standing up and did a double headbutt while they were on their feet! Bischoff is constantly talking about how these Fantastics have no chance.

Fantastics get the hot tag. Rodgers ran wild. They slam Barbarian with a double back suplex and then do a double top rope dropkick for a 2 count. Barbarian caught Rodgers I believe from the top rope, Meng then booted him and they score the pin.

The Faces of Fear with a fun dominating display and this was a fun five minutes!


They recap the Elizabeth video package from last week. I loved the irony of this. Eric Bischoff made sincere apologises to Savage and his family for showing the video package. He’s extremely apologetic and all morose with his delivery as he is sorry for showing the video package and making Savage “an emotional vegetable”. He’s so sorry… but he showed the video again anyway! “Hey Savage, I apologise for this video but I will repeatedly show it as a way to pop a rating!” was basically what Bischoff did here! Bischof claimed he had footage about how low-class Hogan could be that he would show later on. 


nWo Sting vs Mr JL


So Eric Bischoff had been teasing all night that Sting would be here and I don’t remember when it was but then Bischoff got word that it might not be the real Sting. Then, wrestling Mr JL, was the nWo Sting who actually still came out to “The Man called Sting” theme that Sting came out to.

They explained that Elizabeth’s contract would be up in November with WCW which is why I guess she joined the nWo so at least, she would still be signed with the nWo.  The nWo arrived with Vincent, Ted DiBiase, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Syxx and The Giant.

Sting did the World’s Strongest Slam front slam. Sting did the Stinger Splash and a Scorpion Deathlock but the match is interrupted by, believe it or not, THE REAL STING. For the first time in WCW, Sting was here in WCW while wearing the black and white. It was not quite the vintage black and white face-paint he would sport later on in the feud with the nWo. However, he was wearing black scorpion trunks and white face pain and a black trench coat He dropped nWo Sting with the Scorpion Deathlock and he beat him up for a while.

The nWo just stood around the ring as Sting did a Stinger Splash and did the Scorpion Deathlock. The nWo then get into the ring surrounding the real Sting and Ted DiBiase told everyone to say hello to the real Sting. DiBiase offered Sting a place in the nWo. He said if they join them, he would be joining a family. Nash said it’s time for him to break on through to the other side. Hall said Sting had been carrying the WCW banner for 9 years but what does he have to show for it? Hall said he knew the fake Sting would get to him and said there would be no stopping them if the real Sting joined too.

Sting said he may or may not be in their price range or maybe he could be. Sting said the only thing for sure about Sting is that nothing is for certain and then he left. Ironically, after the nWo talk about nWo Sting just being bait and doing nothing to help the fake Sting, Fake Sting still posed with the nWo after the nWo did nothing to save him! It’s weird because the nWo talked about being a part of family if Sting joined and nWo Sting was already in the group and they left him to get his ass kicked! I get the nWo are heels but if this was supposed to sell Sting on the idea of joining “a family” than this was a horrible sales pitch! Such disregard for people who are ALREADY with the New World Order!


The main-event was supposed to be Randy Savage vs Chris Benoit. Benoit made his was down to the ring just like Mike Enos last week. “Macho Man” Randy Savage came out in what was described as his “street clothes” which was in full back. I can suspend my disbelief that Ric Flair would walk down the streets all suited and booted… because he’s Ric Flair! It was impossible to believe that any normal human in the world would wear this outfit Savage had on in the streets! He looked more like the Undertaker than a regular guy street clothes!

Eric Bischoff said he apologised for last week but now he’s got more footage to show! Yeah Bischoff is aware of the effect his music had on Savage but yet he’s got another video to show anyway RIGHT BEFORE his match with Chris Benoit!

The video showed Hogan on the set of the 3 Ninjas film referred to last week. My description of Hogan’s look in my notes noted that he “looked like a shitty version of Shao Kahn” from the Mortal Kombat series! Ironically, there is a blog post on the Armbar Express from my early days blogging about a ScrewAttackDeath Battle video featuring Shao Kahn which you can read more about that on this link!

Hogan complained to his director and claimed the nWo would betaking over produciton of the film. When in the world when making the movie could someone just take control of producing the film like this? Even when Joss Whedon replaced Zack Snyder from Justice League, it’s not like Joss just walked up at the set and said he was taking over the project! There was a process to this change in the movie! The Giant was apparently going to direct the film and Hogan was gonna produce as he said: “welcome to the world of Hollywood Hogan.”

Elizabeth was on the set with the nWo as she supposedly had a cameo I guess agreed to her in her nWo contract. Hogan pressured Elizabeth to tell Savage she loved him. Giant yelled at the camera man “what you’re doing boy?” as Hogan got upset with Elizabeth. Giant sent Elizabeth back to the trailer as Hogan berated her. He said: “What Hollywood wants, Hollywood gets.” Hogan said she wanted some acting lessons Hulk Hogan style.

Eric asked for Savage’s thoughts as they cut back to them at the arena and Savage eventually broke his silence. He said: “it just occurred to me how fragile friendships and relationships can be. Eric, you and I both know how fragile business can be.” He ends with promo with saying: Hulk Hogan, life is fragile” and he waleds away. So yes, it was played up to suggest Savage was going to KILL HULK HOGAN at Halloween Havoc! To be fair, Savage did release a rap video many years later about wanting to fight Hulk Hogan in real life! Maybe this was just life imitating art!

That was a horrible segment. When building up a babyface Randy Savage against a heel Hollywood Hogan for Halloween Havoc, it shouldn’t be this difficult. Hogan turned on Savage at Bash at the Beach, Savage went nuts and wanted revenge. Of course the Elizabeth stuff from WWF is an aspect of this feud but you don’t have to directly address it. Here, they address Elizabeth and it watered down what should have been a great personal rivalry when Savage should do everything he can to try and kill Hogan. They inserted Elizabeth into the middle and it took away from the personal rivalry aspect of Hogan vs Savage.

They had to write the storyline around her which I think took away the heat from Savage and Hogan. I have not been a fan of this storyline but heck, maybe Halloween Havoc delivered in a big way. We will wait and see.


The WCW Halloween Havoc review is coming up next on this blog. In the mean time, enjoy time indoors during this crazy time to read up on my thoughts about every WCW up until this point! Be sure to follow the blog as we’ve got more Nitro reviews and PPVs to come for the foreseeable future!


WCW Nitro Reading Order