09/05/2013 TNA Impact Wrestling Review: “The Monster” Abyss Returns To Battle The Aces And Eights!



Hey wrestling fans. I am the “Shockmaster” himself, Thomas Robinson and I’m here to talk to you about a shocking return on Thursday at the end of TNA IMPACT WRESTLING! Also, we have new developments in the AJ Styles storyline to talk about as well as everything else which includes 5 Hour Energy plugs, D-Lo Brown being treated like a bitch and tag team matches galore on Impact Wrestling!

First things first. Sting and Kurt Angle came down to the ring and called out AJ Styles, who they hoped would team with them in the 6 man tag team main event against the Aces And Eights that night. Angle demanded an answer from AJ, but as with his usual MO as of late, AJ remained silent. Sting then cut a promo about how AJ helped built TNA and talked about his accomplishment, but AJ was STILL silent and left the ring. Pissed off at AJ being “disrespectful” towards them, Angle angrily approached Styles on the ramp and the two scrapped in a good-old pull apart brawl. I love these sorts of segments. Pull-apart brawls are a great way to have the tension building up for weeks pour out, and it gets AJ doing something different from his old usual “silent treatment” as we’ve seen for a couple of months. However, this scrap leaves the Stinger in the ring by himself, wide open for an attack by the Aces And Eights. Mr Anderson, Devon and Bully Ray come out to attack Sting, with Devon and Ray dropping Sting with the 3D. A great way to start the show and build up the main event.

“Hardcore Country” Mickie James and the TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky defeated Tara and Gail Kim in a knockouts tag team match. A very short tag team match that wasn’t really anything special to be frank. However, Gail Kim did attack her partner Tara after the match, continuing the “Gail Kim needs Anger Management” storyline. You’ve got to believe that something’s going to come out of this. At least I hope something does. Gail is quality in the ring, and I for one would not mind her getting another Knockouts title reign.

Next, Aces And Eights took to the ring to take care of “Club business” as Bully Ray put it. The TNA World Champion Bully Ray was pissed off at D’Lo Brown for losing an I Quit match to Kurt Angle last week. This was basically a segment to confirm that D’Lo Brown is in the “doghouse” right now with Aces And Eights, and Bully told D’Lo to give up his vest and accompany DOC at ringside for his match with Magnus. However, that match saw D’Lo inadvertently cost DOC the match. After this, a backstage segment which saw Bully threaten D’Lo with a hammer saw D’Lo downgraded to a “prospect” in Aces And Eights. In other words… D’Lo Brown has become the official bitch of the Aces And Eights. This was a great segment to show off tension within Aces And Eights, and to show off Bully Ray’s “tough love” towards his Aces And Eights members. It’ll be interesting to see if they replace D’Lo after a while or whether they’ll just have Bully makes examples out of everyone in the group.

Speaking of tough examples, group members DOC, Knux, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff assaulted Magnus backstage in a brutal beatdown to the Englishman so he would not be able to team with Kurt Angle and Sting in the main event. Running out of time, Hulk Hogan said he had someone on the phone who’s ready to step up and get there to help them in the main event. I wonder who it could be?

Austin Aires and Bobby Roode had a hell of a tag team match with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. I seriously enjoyed that tag match, and the 4 were really effective in the ring together. There was just one problem… the special referee James Storm. Urghhh. Really TNA? You just couldn’t let these two teams have a legit match? Storm delivered a Super Kick to both Daniels and Aires and walked out on the match he was supposed to officiate. A legitimately good tag team match ended because the referee decided to walk out. But of a disappointing ending if you ask me. Mind you, justice was served when James Storm was attacked backstage by what I’d assume was Daniels, Kazarian, Roode and Aires’ doing. Good. However, that does beg the question as to who the number one contenders will be. I hope it’s someone different. Hell, I’d take Robbie E and Jesse as the number one contenders. Brisco and Bischoff from the Aces And Eights going after the titles would be something new. Anyone other than the same old teams from the last couple of months.

Kenny King and Chris Sabin did a segment hyping up the triple threat match also involving Petey Williams for the TNA X Division title next week. Not exactly a great promo from either man, but the match next week speaks for itself. Chris Sabin, Petey Williams and Kenny King could produce something special next week, and it’s a match I’m very much looking forward to.

MAIN EVENT. Since Hulk Hogan’s mystery partner for Kurt Angle and Sting never showed up, it appeared to be a 2 on 3 handicap match with Angle and Sting facing Devon, Bully Ray and Mr Anderson. A decent main event with a cool but confusing ending. Aces And Eights got the advantage and it looked like Bully and Devon were gonna put Sting away with the 3D. However, we saw the return of “The Monster” ABYSS, who marched down to the ring to take on the Aces And Eights. Chokeslamming Anderson, dropping Bully Ray and hitting the Black Hole Slam on Devon, Abyss was whooping all kinds of ass. And Abyss would go on to… pin Devon to win the match. Wait. So it was a 6 man tag all along? I don’t get that ending. The match started off as a 2 on 3 handicap match and it for some reason changed into a 6 man tag mid-match? Talk about confusing.

But anyway, Abyss returning to TNA is brilliant. It’s been nearly a year since the Abyss character was last in TNA and him feuding with Aces And Eights will be a great sight to see. Personally, I think Abyss should really be the one challenging Bully Ray for the TNA title at Slammiversery and not Sting. However, I still think Abyss will get to Bully Ray eventually. Abyss has always been a favourite of mine, and I’m glad Joseph Park is out the way for now. Abyss coming back adds a little bit of spice to the TNA vs Aces And Eights war! I can’t wait to see next week’s developments.

Overall good show. It had a good opening and a great ending and it was a very enjoyable show overall with a great tag match with Daniels and Kaz vs Roode and Aires and other things. Great show.

TNA Lockdown 2013 Predictions – Who’s Gonna Survive Lethal Lockdown?



Good afternoon TNA fans, I’m Tom Robinson. Today, not only is it Mother’s Day, but it is Pay-Per-View Day, as TNA presents Lockdown live from Texas. This is the first proper PPV since the new PPV format was introduced a couple of months ago. And it’s Lockdown. What’s going to happen tonight as there is a lockdown in TNA.

The Battle Of The Robbies – Robbie E vs Robbie T

Match Background: A couple of months back on Open Fight Night, Robbie E challenged Jesse to a bro-off. And, no. It’s not like this bro-off…

All contestants must show what kind of bro they really are. And everything you did had to end in bro. In a rather entertaining segment, Robbie E danced in the most ridiculous way possible and Jesse delivered a pose or two. Jesse was disqualified by Robbie E for saying “dude” at the end of the posing and not “bro”. But before Robbie E declared himself the winner, Robbie T, Robbie E’s bodyguard, entered the bro-off. In his skit, Robbie T combined both Robbie E’s and Jesse’s segments, and did a crowd-pleasing segment which gained a good pop, and apparently winning the bro-off according to Bro-off judge Tazz. XD Anyway, Robbie T started to show off a more face attitude and was gaining more popularity than Robbie E. Robbie E, in a bit of jealous rage, turned on his bodyguard, which set up Robbie E vs Robbie T for Lockdown.

What I think should happen: Robbie T wins.

What I think will happen: Robbie T wins. Forgone conclusion here. NEXT.


The Battle Of The Josephs – Joey Ryan vs Joseph Park

Match Background: Screw it. I’m not doing this match. This match has no background, and honestly, it’s just a waste of PPV time. You put in Joseph Park against a guy like Joey Ryan, who’s by far the worst thing to come out TNA in a while. Seriously, you could have had much more deserving athletes compete in that match, and actually showcase a good match. Not these two. NEXT.


X-Division Championship – Kenny King (c) vs Christian York vs Zema Ion

Match Background: Kenny King had been vying for the X-Division title for months. He’d come close several times, but he was coming up short quite a lot until, finally, on February 28th, he became the X-Division champion by defeating Rob Van Dam. He’s now scheduled to defend the championship at Lockdown against former X-Division champion Zema Ion and a rising star in the X-Division, Christian York. Despite being the former X-Division champion, Rob Van Dam is apparently not in this match at Lockdown for reasons unexplained.

What I think should happen: Kenny King retains. He’s JUST became X-Division champion… finally. It’d be pretty insulting to have him lose it here after only like 10 days after he won it. XD

What I think will happen: Kenny King retains. Like Kenny King is going to lose the title this early. But, stranger things have happened in wrestling. So you never know!


TNA Tag Team Championship – Team Hell-N… I mean Bobby Roode (c) and Austin Aries (c) vs Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs Christopher Daniels and Kazarian

Match Background: Bobby Roode and Austin Aries had both tried and failed to dethrone Jeff Hardy as World Champion for several months after Bound For Glory, with Austin Aries losing at Turning Point, Bobby Roode losing at Final Resolution, and both of them losing at Genesis in a triple threat. Despite not exactly getting along, Roode and Aires put their differences aside to begin a quest to win all the TNA titles available, starting with the tag titles. Despite constant bickering, the dysfunctional duo would go on to win the tag team titles (well, why does that sound familiar?) by defeating Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez in England. A triple threat tag team match was made for Lockdown, as the new team of Bobby Roode and Austin Aries were booked to face the team of Chavo and Hernandez, as well as the team of Christopher Daniels and Kazarian, who were tag team champions twice before.

What I think should happen: Roode and Aries win. As much as I joke about them being like Team Hell-No because of the constant bickering and stuff, I do like what TNA is doing with them. The difference between Team Hell-No and Aries and Roode, is that Roode and Aries have BIG egos, so the battle to claim superiority between the two is much better. And they’re a really good team, and they’ve delivered a lot of funny moments as a team. I think they should be tag champions for a while.

What I will happen: Roode and Aries win. There is no way that they’ll drop the belts after like a month.


TNA Knockouts Championship – Velvet Sky (c) vs Gail Kim

Match Background: At Genesis, Gail Kim was a dominant force in the Knockouts Gauntlet, defeating Miss Tessmacher, ODB and Mickie James in quick succession. When she faced off against Velvet Sky though, it was a different story, as referee Taryn Terrell failed to spot Gail Kim’s foot under the rope as Velvet Sky pinned Gail Kim for the victory, and the number one contendership for the knockouts championship. In England, Velvet Sky became the Knockouts Champion, after winning a fatal four way elimination match also featuring Gail Kim, Miss Tessmacher and Tara. However, controversy struck again as Kim and Terrell argued again over Kim’s cheating in the match, which led to Velvet Sky defeating Gail Kim last to win the match. This has led to Velvet Sky being booked to defend her title against Gail Kim at Lockdown.

What I think should happen: Again, I think the champion should retain. I don’t understand why TNA are having titles change hands just before the pay-per-views. It makes the PPV matches seem so predictable, and it really downgrades the card in my opinion. Velvet Sky wins.

What I think will happen: Velvet Sky retains. I think Taryn will inadvertently screw Gail again, which will continue the feud between them two.


Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco… INSIDE A STEEL CAGE

Match Background: Kurt Angle took Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff under his wing during the battle with Aces And Eights. Angle convinced the judges of Gut-Check to have Wes Brisco as an entrant in the competition. Brisco earned a TNA contract, and continued to fight alongside Angle against Aces And Eights. On January 31st, Kurt Angle defeated Mr Anderson in a steel cage match. After the match, an Aces And Eights member got inside the cage and was about to attack Angle, when Wes Brisco made the save. The Aces And Eights member unmasked himself and revealed himself to be none other than Garrett Bischoff (I thought it was crucial for Aces And Eights members not to be unmasked. Suddenly it’s OK to unmask yourself?). Wes Brisco then clobbered Angle from behind and the duo kicked the crap out of Angle in the cage. This led to Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco being made for Lockdown… INSIDE OF A STEEL CAGE.

What I think should happen: Wes Brisco wins. PLEASE don’t have Kurt Angle win for the thousandth time against Aces And Eights! PLEASE!

What I think will happen: Kurt Angle gets ANOTHER win over Aces And Eights. Urrghhhh.


Lethal Lockdown – Sting And Friends vs Aces And Eights

Match Background: Aces And Eights have been a forced to be reckoned with in TNA ever since attacking Sting on their debut in June. Aces And Eights decided it was time to have “a war to end all wars”… with Lethal Lockdown. 5 Aces And Eights members take on 5 TNA superstars in the Lethal Lockdown match. Of course the match was accepted and the two teams were all set. Aces And Eights members Devon, Mr Anderson, DOC, Mike Knox and Garrett Bischoff will take on “Team Captain” Sting, “The Cowboy”  James Storm, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, “The Great Brit” Magnus and the returning “Showtime” Eric Young.

Rules: Two men from each team will start off the Lethal Lockdown match locked in the cage. Then, after every 5 minutes, each team will take turns in having a member enter the cage. This will continue until all 10 men have entered the cage. Once all 10 guys have entered, the first team to get a pinfall or submission wins. Aces And Eights will have the “man advantage”, meaning that they will gain an advantage on TNA by having their men enter the match before the TNA guys do. Basically, the entrant order will be – Aces And Eights, Team TNA, Aces And Eights, Team TNA, Aces And Eights, Team TNA, Aces And Eights, Team TNA.

What I think should happen: Aces And Eights wins. They need a big win like this, especially at Lethal Lockdown.

What I think will happen: Aces And Eights wins. I don’t think Team TNA will win, because there are a lot of twists and turns on the way with the Aces And Eights storyline. A Team TNA guy could help Aces And Eights win. The Higher Power may show up. AJ Styles may join Aces And Eights. I think Aces And Eights will be around for a while in TNA.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship – Jeff Hardy (c) vs Bully Ray

Match Background: In England, Hulk Hogan made a series of matches designed to determine the number one contender, giving 8 superstars a chance to impress him before he makes his decision. But a week later, Hulk Hogan chose his new son-in-law Bully Ray as the number one contender to Jeff Hardy’s World Title, despite Bully not competing in the series of matches.

What I think should happen: Bully Ray Wins. Jeff’s been champion long enough.

What I think will happen: Bully Ray Wins. I think this match could be a passing of the torch for Bully Ray. I think TNA started booked this match thinking that Jeff Hardy was gonna leave at the end of his contract, and they were planning to have Bully Ray become champion at Lockdown. I don’t think Jeff signing a new contract will have an effect with those plans. I think Bully will become champion.


Anyway, this could be the last blog post in possibly a week from me. I’ve got a pretty busy a week ahead at University and in all sorts, possibly the busiest week of my life actually. XD An exaggeration? Maybe. Look, the point is I think the Lockdown review will have to wait for more than a week I think. But after the week is over, I plan to hit you with post after post during my time off from uni after this week. I also want to improve my online status while I’m off. I’ll begin to utilize my YouTube account, and revamp the blog a bit. Start having a look into doing stuff on things like Flickr and stuff. So, look out for that. Anyway, thanks for reading this blog. Check me out on twitter @TomRobinson5199. And I’ll see you next time. 🙂